Monday 22 March 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

For my research I used the following:

Google Images- Google images was used in terms of research for both the main teaser trailer product for stills from existing horror trailers and for the ancillary texts for pictures of existing magazines. Searching for pictures is fast and efficient as well as you can save any image you find in order to make it much easier on us so we can always look at a design or existing product we liked all the time. 

Youtube- Youtube was used in my research to look at existing teaser trailers in order to see how they were filmed and made to look like. We spent a lot of time analyzing many theatrical and teaser horror trailers in order to come up with a way in which our groups product would actually look like. It was always used in terms of research for shots, angles and styles of music to be placed into the trailer and was very useful.

For Construction I used the following:

Camcorder and Tripod- We used the camcorder to film our teaser trailer. The came with a decent zoom function that was needed for our ECU of the eye. Due to certain cameras not being able to shoot in 16:9 ratio e were limited to a 4:3 ratio which didn't cause any problems. When shooting we used the camera in a hand held position and also using a tripod for steady shots. The tri pod allowed us to keep a steady shot and also able to create canted angles thanks to its flexibility. 

Final cut pro- Final cut pro is the editing software we used to edit our trailer. At first we had to learn the basics of the program which i found easy to get use to as I felt it was similar to another software Photoshop. The trickiest part was probably assembling the trailer using the timeline but was quick to overcome thanks to the tools it provided. After we got the basic layout of the trailer we started to edit. it was fairly easy to add fade-ins an fade-outs and also add filters tot he trailer to give it it's own unique style. After a while i eventually got use to cut and editing on the timeline which made me more efficient in creating the trailer.

Photoshop- Photoshop was the program we used to create our ancillary task. I am very familiar with Photoshop so creating these tasks was fairly easy. Photoshop allows you to create anything your imagination can come up with. It is fairly simple to use an get to grips with. I encountered no problems while using Photoshop.

Creative Commons Sound Site and garage band- We used the creative common sound website for our music. It was simple to search for the music we wanted because we was able to search in categories. After we had obtained our music we then imported them into Garage band along with our trailer. Doing this allowed us to get the timing spot on. Also garage band allowed use to create the voice overs with their sound effects.

I used the following for my evaluation -

Blogger and Flickr - Blogger was used to document all of our work. The site enabled us to keep all our work in one place. Because our work was stored on the internet we was able to easily access our work from home making it more convenient.  Blogger is very efficient to use and is less time consuming then physically writing it all out, with the idea of picture upload into the essays, hyperlinks, videos etc it becomes a more interactive experience. As well as being simple to use it was also easy to find the work we done by the idea of labeling which made it much easier to find work which would be much harder with paperwork. The link between Flickr and Blogger was a very useful feature. We could upload a picture into Flickr add our annotations and then import it into blogger which is all done on the Flickr website. Adding annotations to an image saved a lot of writing as it allowed us to present the image and include informations about certain parts of the image. This mad the reader have a better understanding of the image aswell as my thoughts and particular parts.

Youtube- Youtube was used to upload our teaser to the internet. Youtube is a well known site and traffic's millions of users each day. So there was big chance of people leaving feedback on our trailers. We was also able to show our friends the teaser so more feedback was gained.


1 comment:

  1. You have not written about the evaluation stage - blogger, flickr etc. Please add. Also some visuals would be good - eg a picture of your FCP projectw indow with some annotations about how it works and how you used effects/editing tools to create the text.


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