Monday 22 March 2010

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We had a screening in front of our target audience which were in our target of the 16-24 years of age group (They were around 17-18), we showed them our teaser trailer in return for audience feedback on what our teaser highlights were and what it done bad at to help us improve or take into consideration for upcoming trailers that could appear.

+ Had some good sound effects, some were very effective an helped with the feel of the trailer
+ Music fitted well with the trailer
- Music suited the start but needed a build up to create suspension. It lost it's impact towards the end

The music in the trailer was a 50/50 spilt. Some liked it and they said it seemed to fit with the whole style of the trailer leaving a mystery to it. Others stated it caught their attention at the start of the trailer but generally lost its impact towards the end. The audience seemed to find the hand scratching the floor to have a very effective use of sound as it causes distress and makes them feel uncomfortable.  

+ Good use of canted angles
+ Certain shots play with the eyes thanks to the use of lighting.
+ Transitions were effective and some were unique.
- Inter-titles seem to be too quick for the audience to read.
+ Extreme close ups of eyes were effective.
+ Canted angle in the corridor were effective.
- Extensive use of the eye shots made the trailer tedious.

The audience seemed to like the editing and cinematography in the trailer as it created a unique and interesting style. They enjoyed most of the shots but didn't like the excessive use of certain shots which eventually made the teaser tedious.

Mise en scene:
+ Very good use of props helped create immersion
+ Certain shots have effective use of lighting.
+ Good use of locations, they fitted with the theme and the scene.

Other feedback:
Voice-overs create immersion in the world and help develop a plot
- Trailer seemed too short even though it ran at a average teaser length.
+ They seemed to like the style of the movie and its effects, some of the audience said it was original 
+ Effective mise en scene

Looking at the feedback made me realise how successful our teaser trailer had turned out to be. My aim was to create a mysterious and slightly mind bending trailer an it seemed to work to the majority of the audience. There is obviously some improvements that will need to be made but overall the outcome seemed to be successful to the audience.  

1 comment:

  1. Some good points here though some are a bit vague ("liked the style of the movie").


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