Monday 22 March 2010

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

As a whole, I believe from a promotional standpoint that all three of my products effectively tease the audience with my horror movie "Phantasm". 

My poster- My poster that I produced is a slightly unusual one it shows direct gore but shows the style of the movie and a tag line that helps shape the plot. The poster ticks all of the conventions of a poster its stars, theme/genre, credits and often a tagline to whet audiences' appetites. The posters main focus is on the lead actor which (if a massive movie star) would bring fans of the actors into the audience. As the poster is to be displayed in a Cinema
foyer it will need to stand out from the rest. I accomplished this by creating a disturbing image the blood red colour stands out and draws the audiences view. Overall i think that my poster has turned out successful and is effective.

Magazine Cover- Normally a magazine featuring a film will normally have the leading role plastered on the front. I went for a alternative method and used a still from the film. It has silhouette figure in the background which leaves a mysterious look which is a perfect theme for my film. To help market the film I included a "Top 50 horror movies of all time" title, this is extremely helpful for boosting my movie by putting it in a  Top 50 list. Also the movie is featured in a popular movie magazine which normally don't feature the horror genre on its front cover. This also helps boost the movie as it gives out an impression of it being a massive hit.

Teaser Trailer - I think that my trailer reinforces the style of my film more than the other texts. It has it's mysterious feeling to it and shows off the films style. the trailer comes in around 1:12 which is the average for a horror trailer. The trailer has a slow pacing to it which helps deliver the powerful disturbing imagery. By the end of the trailer the viewer is left wondering what happens next, the trailer has a hazy plot so many different ideas will pop in to audiences heads. Overall it is a effective teaser and has succeeded.  

1 comment:

  1. Your poster is not on your blog yet. Please get it on urgently. You need to consider how the poster and the trailer REINFORCE each other to provide a coherent advertising message, or how they COULD BE IMPROVED in this respect. You should also try to show that you understand THE ROLE OF THE DISTRIBUTOR and the three componesnts of a campaign – advertising, promotion and publicity. The FDA website, is a useful resource. Remember the film mag cover is an exaple of publicity you would HOPE to generate through various strategies which you need to explain.


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